enough time among diverse Christian groups, you’re bound to encounter some who
refer to Jesus by the term Yeshua. Those individuals (a minority among
Christians) will explain that Yeshua
was Jesus’ “real” Hebrew name, and some (a minority of the minority) will go so
far as to claim that using any other word for His name is unbiblical or
the extreme, such individuals may claim that your English use of “Jesus” is improper. They might drop subtle hints that your entire
faith could be in question, since only those who call upon the name of the Lord
will be saved (see Romans 10:3).
who call Jesus Yeshua do so because
they believe they are using the word Jesus’ contemporaries used when they
addressed him. They believe that the
name “Jesus” is overly modernized, and that it might even be inappropriate.
is a modern transliteration of the Hebrew name we usually render as Joshua, and Joshua was, in fact, the
root of Jesus’ name. By “transliteration,”
I don’t mean “translation.” In many
ways, transliteration is the opposite of a translation. It’s an attempt to show the original sounds of
a foreign word without using the written form of that original language.
are you’ve seen examples of Greek, Hebrew, or Arabic. Those languages have a completely different
script from English, which uses Roman-style letters. To show you how to pronounce a word in one of
those languages, I have to Romanize the word – give you the approximate sounds
in letters you can read and practice for yourself.
lies our first major problem. Some
languages have sounds that aren’t used in other languages, or at least not used
in the same way. The buzzing sound you
hear at the start of the French phrase Je
t’aime is the same sound English puts at the end of the word garage, but English never starts a word
with that sound. Likewise, the breathy,
guttural rasps in the Hebrew toast l’chaim
and the Spanish name José have no
equivalent Romanized letter that is helpful for English speakers. Still other languages have oddities that can’t
even be reproduced in Roman letters – the Tsou language of Taiwan, for example,
has variations for /f/ and /h/ that are made by inhaling air rather than
exhaling air, sounds linguists call pulmonic ingressives, but which few in the
Western world can make.
when someone claims that Yeshua is
the real name of Jesus, they don’t seem to realize that their spelling of it in
Romanized letters is only an approximation, and more important, that their pronunciation
of it is only a ballpark attempt to mimic the sounds of an ancient language no
one had the technology to record.
explains why a Google search of “What is the real name of Jesus?” produces so
many variations on that “real” name, both in Romanized spelling and the
suggested pronunciations: Yeshua, Yahushua, Yesua, Yehoshuah, and more.
Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew.
second major problem with calling Jesus by the Hebrew name Yeshua is that it’s highly unlikely Jesus spoke Hebrew. By the time He was born, the daily languages
of his province were common Greek and Aramaic.
Latin was spoken by top politicians.
Hebrew was used primarily for ceremonial purposes, although even for those
Aramaic had taken over in most synagogues.
Aramaic was a Semitic language, like Hebrew, but the two were as
mutually unintelligible as French and Latin are today, even though French
evolved from Latin. If Jesus’ household
spoke Aramaic on a daily basis, his name would be better transliterated as Eashoah, more nearly approximating the
ancient Aramaic lettering.
Jesus spoke Greek.
it’s certain that Jesus spoke Greek as well. Greek had been the common language of the area for almost 400 years, and Jesus' people were multilingual. In fact, He may have used Greek as his primary language for teaching,
evidenced by the fact that whenever he lapsed into Aramaic, the Gospels make a
point of translating the Aramaic words he chose to use. The New Testament was written entirely in
Greek, even the Gospels. Those who
prefer the term Yeshua will sometimes
claim that the Gospels were first written in Aramaic. They are certainly mistaken, based on the
Bible text alone. Why would a Gospel
writer composing his text in Aramaic go to the trouble of telling readers the
translation of an Aramaic word? Mark offers
repeated translations of Aramaic (in 5:41, translating Talitha kum into Greek for his audience; in 7:34 translating Ephphatha; in 15:34 translating Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani”). Matthew provides similar acts of
translation to Greek, and John goes to pains to explain in Greek what rabbi and messiah mean in the language his readers understood.
Clear conclusions:
The Gospel writers wrote in Greek. If
they had been writing in Aramaic, they would not be pausing to provide Aramaic
translations for their audience, no more than I would write here, “The word
audience translates to ‘audience’.” You
don’t translate a word from the language you’re already writing.
Furthermore, the fact that the Gospel writers broke from their narrative to
point out that Jesus had used Aramaic words at some points in His teaching is
pretty strong evidence that they saw that switch to Aramaic as unique and
noteworthy ... as if it were something outside the norm of the way He taught. Chances are that when they mention, “And
then, in Aramaic, he says ...” it’s because He hadn’t been speaking Aramaic up
to that point. The language switch
jumped out at them, and they noted it.
The Gospel writers called our Lord Iesous,
Jesus. They saw no need to translate
that name, or to point out that it was a poor Greek variation on a better Aramaic or
Hebrew name to call Him. They’d already
shown elsewhere that they had no hesitation pointing out important translations. Matthew even went to the trouble to decode a
title accompanying the name of Jesus, Emmanuel,
God With Us. But at no point did these
Greek-writing, Holy Spirit inspired authors go to the trouble of saying, “We
all really called him Yeshua,” or “Make
sure you don’t use the Greek for that when you’re getting saved, though.” They liked the name Jesus. In the New Testament Scripture we have –
written in its original Greek – there is no other name by which they called Him. Nor by which Greek-writing Paul called Him. Nor Peter.
Nor Jude. Nor James. Iesous,
Jesus, was the preferred name.
is almost too small a point to bother with, but since it’s likely you’ll run
into it, you may as well have it resolved right now.
promoters of the name Yeshua claim
that Jesus can’t possibly be the name of the savior because the letter J didn’t
even exist until the 14th century, almost a millennium and a half
after He lived.
is absolutely true and absolutely meaningless, for one simple reason: Letters
are not sounds.
letter J didn’t exist in Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew, and neither did the letters
Y, E, S, H, U or A. However, the sound
represented by the modern letter J most certainly existed, and it exists in
nearly every language we know.
Representing it as a Y is little different from representing it as a
J. I’ll prove that. Say the following word:
say it 20 times fast without inhaling.
you feel the J sound forming? Most likely
you did ... in fact, I’m told that it hurts to keep the Y as a pure Y sound
once you hit the tenth or twelfth YAY.
If you do the exercise in the other direction, repeating the word JAY, you’ll
find your mouth slipping toward the Y of YAY as well.
sound represented by an initial J in Jesus is nearly identical to the sound
represented by the letter Y, just with the slightest of friction or buzz
added. There are many letters with such
tricks (say “a little Tylenol” and notice how the two Ts in little are more
like Ds than the initial T in Tylenol). The
letters J and Y are, in this case, the same essential sound. There is no vast conspiracy to hide the true
name of the Lord.
endeth the J lesson.
I saying that those who refer to Jesus as Yeshua are wrong to do so? I’ll answer that with a hearty, confident, “It
depends.” Are the Spanish wrong to call
Him by something that sounds to English ears like, “Hey, Zeus!”? Are the Russians wrong for Isus? The Chinese wrong of Yesu? Punjabi speakers wrong for Yisu ne? The Azerbaijani wrong for Isa? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say
this: If Jesus was called Eashoah by
his Aramaic-speaking mother, but Iesous
by Paul and the Gospel writers, then the first act of transliteration was
performed by the Holy Spirit, and I shouldn’t question the legitimacy of accommodating
other languages. The Christ who rose is
the Christ who rose, and by any other name He is as sweet.
– if the devotee of the name Yeshua
begins to insist to you that his use of the name is more proper, more biblical,
or more holy than your own use of “Jesus,” it may be time to discern the
motivation behind the attitude.
Scripture warns us numerous times to avoid putting on airs, and
there is something about pretending to have a special, secret name for God that
smacks of something less than humility, more like Gnostic secrecy. Real love does not put on airs.
you hear your preacher or teacher or prayer leader suddenly bursting forth with
declarations of “Yeshua ha Maschiach!” and Hebrew is not their native tongue,
ask yourself what the speaker or pray-er’s motivation might be. To invoke God with a better language? To use a more powerful version of the name,
as if it were a magic spell? To stand
out from others who don’t use those words, thus appearing to be more in tune
with God? To lead you to notice that
they are unique, using special vocabulary, worthy of your focus and attention?
can’t answer that for anyone, since it’s situational. But pray for discernment, and always test the
spirit of those who would try to get you to buy in to the idea of secret words
and special knowledge.
if they bring up the Letter J thing, just roll your eyes at them.
Marana Tha
(that’s Aramaic for either “Our Lord is coming” or “Our Lord has come”!),